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Accessible Playspaces

101 Ontarians received AODA 10th Anniversary Champion Awards to recognize their passion and commitment in promoting awareness of accessibility and inclusiveness in the community.

EnAbling Change

2015 marked the 10th anniversary of the Accessibility For Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). To celebrate this milestone, 101 Ontarians received AODA 10th Anniversary Champion Awards to recognize their passion and commitment in promoting awareness of accessibility and inclusiveness in the community. The following is an example of an award winning project.

Project: Accessible Playspaces
Location: Fergus and Elora, Township of Centre Wellington, ON
Award Winner: Andy and Jackie Speers

Two local playgrounds, one in Fergus and one in Elora, that are accessible for people of all ages and a variety of abilities were constructed for families in Centre Wellington.

Andy and Jackie Speers, Asher, their son who was born with Down Syndrome, and their Power of Play group were quick off the mark to raise money from the Township and a number of local organizations for the Accessible Playspaces. With community support and sponsorship, the Fergus and Elora playgrounds successfully raised enough funds in a combined 14 months.

What’s next for physical education teacher, Andy Speers? The launch of a new multi-school sledge hockey program in the township for students of mixed abilities.

For information regarding the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act visit

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