Color & Control:


Authenic representation

The film and TV industries have work to do when it comes to disability inclusion. According to a UK survey, disabled characters make up 8.2% of onscreen characters while 20% of the population lives with a disability. And portal is it’s often  inaccurate, relies on harmful stereotypes, “inspiration porn”, and has non-disabled actors playing disabled roles. For 11 movies and tv shows done well that give us hope visit:


Short sleep and screens

Three year-olds who have less nighttime sleep and spend more time on screens are more likely to be overweight or obese by age five. Reported by parents, sleep and screen time were shown to be key indicators with experts clearly recommending further education and targeted interventions to help parents modify behaviours. More than one hour a day of screen time was considered excessive. Less than 10.05 hour of sleep at night posed a risk. 

Source: CHILD Cohort Study

Eczema, antibiotics and babies

In the first year of their life, babies prescribed antibiotics are more likely to develop atopic dermatitis or eczema in the future. The connection lies in the bacteria of the infant’s gut microbiome which has been shown to be disrupted by using antibiotics and have a strong indirect effect on eczema risk. After age one there was no significant impact. Finding show the importance of relooking at systemic antibiotic prescriptions in young children.

Source: McMaster University

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