Davidson Institute International Science Club
Offering gifted 15 – 25 year olds with a passion for science a unique opportunity to delve into scientific research and discover, the Institute manages a platform that functions as a meeting place where participants can communicate in off hours. It facilitates interactions with scientists and peers throughout the world in an open, respectful and creative environment.
Source: davidsongifted.org

Neurosurgeon didn’t use white noise with kids
During a Huberman Lab Podcast Dr. Edward Chang was asked if white noise was bad? He’s not a fan. “I’ve got three kids and was tempted to use tools to soothe and get them to bed especially when I was exhausted…But, we’re not exposed to continuous white noise naturally and we don’t know the cost of using it yet?”

Mother’s slow response has impact
Signs of depression related to parenting include a lack of, or slow, responsiveness, to a child. According to researchers, depressed mums are less likely to act quickly, or appropriately, to cues (crying, eye contact or gesture) of their young children. The result, children learned to respond more slowly and carried forward into their language, vocabulary and academic development.
Source: U of Missouri