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Helping Your Child Overcome Their Fears

It’s natural that your child will have some fears, everyone does. You can try a few things to help alleviate anxiety early on and provide a listening ear when it’s needed.

By Lydia London

Here are some tips for a stress-free child:

Talk about it. Allow your children to talk about any fears they may have. This will help them to release some of the tension that has built up around the fear, making it less potent.

Gently encourage. Trying to avoid a situation can make the fear worse. Be understanding and endeavour not to be dismissive when your child confides in you. Use comforting words as much as possible.

Make a list together. It can help to create a tangible list of fears for you and your little one to talk about. Work on one fear each week and cross them off as you go.

Try expression without words. If your child enjoys drawing, suggest that they could draw the fearful situation or object. It may help them better demonstrate what they are thinking and allow them to see the fear as an object rather than something in their mind.

Be an example. Remain calm and reassuring. Acknowledge your child’s fear, but show them you’re not frightened. By showing strength in a situation they fear, your youngster will be better able to see that there is nothing to get anxious about or run and hide from.

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