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Editor’s message

Famliy around a campfire

With spring in the air we’re looking forward spending less time inside. Whether it’s simply time in the garden, walking in the park or enjoying nature, it’s great to set aside our screens.Playing in the fresh air not only has incredible physical benefits, but also provides social and emotional nourishment. Outdoor activities help develop motor skills, increase openness and develop independence. Adventures can even include heading out to spot wildlife, visiting farms and walking in local forests and trails, many of which have been made accessible. Here are a few outdoor safety tips to keep in mind:

Car talk: While getting there is half the fun, traffic safety is the number one priority. Drive with care and don’t leave kids alone in the car. As we all know, kids grow quickly, so use this time of year to recheck height, weight and age guidelines for car seats. You may also want to review day-to-day playground, crosswalk and traffic safety tips together.

Tools and equipment: Spring means gardening, mowing and outdoor building activities. Exercise caution around construction and yard work so little ones who’d love to help are out of harm’s way.

Fire safety: Keep a first aid kit at the ready. When things are on the grill, keep kids at a distance, or if you’re camping or having fireworks and bonfires. And, have a fire extinguisher or a bucket of water within reach. 

Water: Warmer weather brings neighbourhood pool time and for some, watersports. Hone up on Red Cross water safety skills and take extra care with children around water. Never leave them unsupervised and teach lifesaving and safe boating rules. Secure lifejackets for everyone.

Spring and summer can be great fun for everyone. So, as you and yours enjoy the sunshine, mask up when necessary, wear sunscreen and, please, keep safety top-of-mind!

Caroline Tapp-McDougall

Complimentary Issue

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